ドメーヌ長谷(合同会社Hikaru Farm)は、2017年の9月に酒類製造免許の認可を受けた、家族経営の小さなワイナリーです。長野県北部にある高山村の福井原地区の、北信五岳が見渡せる標高800mの素晴らしい風景の中に、約6haのぶどう畑他とワイナリーを構え、自家栽培自家醸造を中心としたワインづくりをおこなっています。



Hikaru Farm believes that cultivating with as little burden as possible on the wonderful natural environment of Fukuihara Plain, including microorganisms, will result in wine that resonates with the heart like this landscape, aiming for a symbiosis between the natural environment and the grapes. We aim to make wine as a sustainable agriculture.



Domaine Hase is a winery located in a vineyard. Our wine is cultivated using natural fermentation with wild yeasts, and we strive to make simple wines with as little human intervention as possible to maximize the power of the grapes.



We continue to search for grape varieties that are suited to the environment of Fukuihara. We plant a mixture of different varieties with consideration to how they would taste as wine, and have also planted several clones with high potential. By planting multiple varieties and clones, we not only aim to achieve a complex flavor in our wines, but also to coexist with the natural environment by cultivating multiple varieties.


Domaine Hase
Pino Fan blanc 2018

Domaine Hase 
Pino Fan rouge 2018
Fukuihara Blanc 2018